Arran Coastal Rowing Club (ACRC) hosted its first regatta on Saturday, 24th June at Lamlash Yacht Club, followed by a social row around Holy Isle on Sunday.
ACRC wanted to start relatively small so six clubs from the Firth of Clyde area were invited to Arran for the weekend event: FOCCR, Troon, Prestwick, Girvan, Carrick and Cumbrae. The races got going at 11am and were run over a 1.5 kilometre course with a water start and finish. For the start all skiffs were lined up outside the moorings in Lamlash Bay and two port turns allowed a long finish along the shore so the spectators could follow the progress and cheer their crews in.
The weather was thankfully kinder than forecast with a few occasional showers and some sunshine. Nevertheless, the rowers had to face quite challenging conditions for the eight scheduled races. Not only did they have to battle against the other crews for the medals, but they also had a stiff westerly wind to contend with.
After a hard day’s rowing, Arran came third, Carrick second and the overall winner and dominant team of the day – with 5 wins in 8 races – was Troon. Congratulations! To the delight of all winning crews in addition to their medals, each rower also received an Arran Whisky miniature, kindly sponsored by the Isle of Arran Distillery. The handsome trophy handed over to Troon was crafted by Steve Garraway, one of ACRC’s boat builders and club members. After the prize giving the day ended with a delicious BBQ and disco with over 100 participants in the Arran Yacht Club’s boatshed.The music mix was obviously just right as many folk were seen loosening up their sore rowing muscles on the dance floor.
An exciting weekend ended on Sunday with a social row of about 12 km around Holy Isle followed by lunch. Some parts were a bit lumpy but all crews seemed to enjoy their row around this iconic island. The two Cumbrae youngsters who rowed the first half deserve a special mention. It was a pleasure watching the future of coastal rowing – what a great row the Cumbrae crew had with their kids. A great time was had by all and many participants expressed their hope that the event would be repeated next year.
Virtually the entire ACRC membership contributed to make this event happen which is very unusual and shows what a vibrant club we have at the moment. Particular thanks to the catering corps who worked away whilst others were out enjoying themselves on the water. In addition to all the club members and their families who worked tirelessly, ACRC would also like to thank all the companies which helped to make the tremendously successful weekend happen: Arran Delivery for very generously sponsoring the medals, a flag and advertising banner, as well as allowing one of their vans to be used for transporting chairs and tables, which were kindly lent out by KA Leisure at the High School. Brodick Coop for donating 160 water bottles for the rowers, Arran Dairies which gave ice to cool the drinks and the Arran Yacht Club for letting us use their fabulous facilities and RIBs. Nick and Marbeth from voluteered as the official regatta photographers and produced hundreds of stunning action photos. And, of course, all of the participating clubs, their families and friends. David and Emma ( – as usual – additionally also provided lots of super photos.
All the regatta photos can be seen clicking the following links
(when you click on single photos they will enlarge)
Dave and Emma
Nick and Marbeth
More action shots from Nick and Marbeth, 29th June
Photos prize giving
Nick and Marbeth, added 3rd July 2017
Other photographers
Just in case you want to download all or some of the photos:
download all –> go the symbol with the 3 vertical points on the top, left click and then “download all”
download single pics –> click on the pics to enlarge them, click on the symbol with the 3 vertical points, then “download”