Sessions must be booked by a Club Member. Any day/time slot not shown is still free. Members' phone numbers and email addresses can be found here: Members' Area (password protected for members only).
Please note: All of the members with a star (*) next to their name are experienced coxes. At least one of them should always be in every outing.
(j) indicates a junior member between the ages of 14 and 18, who is accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Seabhag is out of action from Saturday 1st to Saturday 15th February.
Thursday, 6th
3.00 pm - 5.30 pm | SCr, PS*, MB*, CMi*, ABi | maintenance - lightly sand and varnish bottom | full
Sunday, 9th
3.00 pm - 3.30 pm | LK*, JBo*, DMc | maintenance - Seabhag turnover | 2 free places
3.00 pm - 3.30 pm | SCr, PS*, MB*, DB*, CMi* | maintenance - Seabhag turnover | full
3.30 pm - 6.00 pm | SCr, PS*, DMc, DB*, CMi* | maintenance - heavy sand and then varnish | full
Wednesday, 12th
3.00 pm - 5.30 pm | PS*, JBo*, DMc | maintenance - sand and second varnish coat inside Seabhag | 2 free places
Friday, 14th
3.00 pm - 4.00 pm | PS*, JBo*, DMc, DB*, CMi* | maintenance - Seabhag return to service - Iolair Turnover | full
Saturday, 15th
10.00 am - 11.00 am | RC*, PS*, ML, JBo*, CMi* | regatta training | full
Saturday, 22nd
10.00 am - 11.00 am | RC*, ML, LK*, JBo*, CS* | regatta training | full
Saturday, 1st
10.00 am - 11.00 am | RC*, CS* | regatta training | 3 free places
Iolair is out of action from Friday 14th to Friday 28th February.
Thursday, 6th
1.30 pm - 2.30 pm | RC*, PS*, ML, JBo*, CMi* | improvers | full
Friday, 7th
3.00 pm - 4.00 pm | RC*, PS*, LK*, JM, CMi* | improvers | full
Saturday, 8th
10.00 am - 11.00 am | RC*, PS*, ML, LK*, CP* | regatta training | full
Friday, 14th
3.00 pm - 4.00 pm | maintenance - Seabhag return to service - Iolair Turnover | 5 free places
Sunday, 16th
3.00 pm - 5.30 pm | ML, JBo*, DMc, DB*, CMi* | maintenance - heavy sand and paint bottom | full
Wednesday, 19th
3.00 pm - 5.30 pm | MB*, KH*, DMc | maintenance - sand / paint bottom second coat | 2 free places
Saturday, 22nd
11.00 am - 11.30 am | ML, JBo*, DMc, DB* | maintenance - Iolair Turnover | 1 free place
11.00 am - 11.30 am | LK* | maintenance - Iolair Turnover | 4 free places
11.30 am - 2.00 pm | ML, DB* | maintenance - Heavy sand and varnish inside | 3 free places
Tuesday, 25th
3.00 pm - 5.30 pm | ML, DMc | maintenance - sand and varnish inside -second coat | 3 free places
Friday, 28th
3.00 pm - 4.00 pm | JBo*, DMc, CMi* | maintenance - Iolair back on trailer return to service - reshuffle shed | 2 free places
3.00 pm - 4.00 pm | maintenance - Iolair back on trailer return to service - reshuffle shed | 5 free places
Iolair is out of action from Friday 14th to Friday 28th February.Types of Outing
Social Row – Easy going, relaxed outing, usually with several breaks and tips on technique only if requested.
Improvers – To work on improving rowing technique and stamina.
Fitness Session – These outings are about improving fitness and stamina in the skiff (interval training etc.). Suitable for all levels of ability.
Mini Regatta & Social – During the winter we invite other local rowing clubs over for a day of mixed club races and socialising. All members are welcome to come for a taste of competitive rowing.
Regatta Training – Crews will be actively working on improving technique, fitness and stamina and might be practising things specific to regattas e.g. turns, racing starts, sprints. Can be physically demanding and necessary for those rowers and coxes who want to take part in regattas but also open to others.
Race Training – Every Saturday morning outside of the regatta season (mid autumn to late winter) the skiffs race against each other twice over a 1.2km course. Crews are selected randomly on the day from the people present. Physically demanding.
Hamilton Rock Challenge – Timed outing around Hamilton Rock and back - approximately 6km. Very physically demanding.
Terms & Conditions
Sessions must be booked by a Club Member who must be present and responsible for the safety and supervision of any session they book. Friends/family of club members and rowers from other coastal rowing clubs (minimum age of 14 years) are welcome as guest rowers. Juniors (age 14 and 15) have to be accompanied by a guardian.
Bookings can be made for up to 1.5 hour sessions in any one day at this time. If you require longer than a 1.5 hour session, please contact us:
Bookings are free where all rowers are club members. Guest rowers pay a rate of £2.50 per day per person and should fill in the Day Guest Membership Form. Payment details below.
I understand that all members, guests and visitors of the club use the boat entirely at their own risk and explicitly accept that:
- Rowing is undertaken at my own risk, and that it is my responsibility to declare myself unfit for rowing if unfit or unwell;
- Life jackets must be worn at all times when afloat;
- The club will not accept any liability for any damage to or loss of property belonging to members, their guests or visitors to the club;
- The club will not accept any liability for personal injury arising out of use of club facilities, or out of participation in any race or other activity organised by the club, whether sustained by members, guests or visitors or caused by the said members, guests or visitors, whether or not such damage or injury could have been attributed to or was occasioned by the neglect, defaults or negligence of any of the officers, committee or servants of the club;
- At least one competent club member with sufficient coxing experience (as determined by the ACRC committee and designated with an asterisk on the booking form and list of members) should be onboard and responsible for a club skiff at any time it is afloat;
- Due to the weight of the oars, participants must be 14 years of age or over.
Organisers of a rowing session should:
- Check the weather forecast and tide
- Tell someone who is not going out when you expect to return
- Ring this person to tell them you are safely back
- Check the boat equipment before setting out
- Report any damage or missing items to a committee member
Please treat the skiffs and their equipment as though you and your friends had spent hundreds of hours making and painting them.
Payment Details
A club member who invites a guest is responsible for asking them to fill out and sign a Day Guest Membership Form (available in the white cupboard) and for putting it into the red honesty box inside the door of the Yacht Club building. Fees for guest rowers can be paid in any of the following ways:
- Sent by BACs to Arran Coastal Rowing Club
Sort code: 83 16 37
Acc. No.: 00117919
Please include your name as reference.
- By cheque payable to Arran Coastal Rowing Club
- Cash
Please put cash/cheques into the red honesty box inside the door of the Yacht Club building.