Arran’s new skiff was named Seabhag



The 17th of September was an ideally warm, sunny, late summer day not only for the swimmers taking part in the Lamlash Splash but also for the launch of Arran’s second skiff. A big crowd first cheered in the swimmers and than the new skiff on her way down the slipway into the water. Treasurer Geoff Norris gave a short speech, saying that Angus Campbell’s (chairman of the Arran Coastal Rowing club, who could not be present) dream had now been fullfilled – Arran has two skiffs. A big thank you to Geoff who got all the funding in for the skiffs and trailer and without whose engagement things would not have happened. The two boat builders Steve Garraway and Rory Cowan, supported by pupils of the Arran High School, did another outstanding job and the new skiff looks stunning. It’s varnished inside and outside, so the beautiful texture of the wood and the excellent craftmenship can be fully admired. Unfortunately Steve could not be present so Rory was the master of the naming ceremony – the new skiff is called Seabhag (Gaellic for Hawk) and as it is the Junior Sailing Club’s skiff Irn Bru was used instead of whisky for the ceremony 🙂 Rory wished all the rowers lots of fun using the new skiff. The maiden voyage was proudly and perfectly managed by a team of girls from the Junior Sailing Club, supported by Cecilia Paul as stroke and Uel Leckey as cox. Our piper Ross Kerr rallied the troops with his piping and also played some tunes during the launching. Thank you Ross!

Of course Iolair, which was launched a year ago, joined her new sister skiff on the bay and there was a long waiting queue of folks who enjoyed a trial row with ACRC members. It was a special pleasure having rowers from the Firth of Clyde Coastal Rowing Club and North Berwick Coastal Rowing Club on board. And as we found out, members of the Dunbar Coastal Rowing Club were also present. Thank you to everybody for making this day memorable.

And another thank you to Emma and Dave Ingham ( for their – as always – wonderful photos.

Please click on the photo to enlarge them

the name will be unveiled ...

the name will be unveiled …

Rory Cowan, one of the boat builders

Rory Cowan, one of the boat builders

beautiful Seabhag

beautiful Seabhag

may all rowers have fun rowing her

may all rowers have fun rowing her

Ross Kerr

Ross Kerr





Thank you Ross Kerr!

Thank you Ross Kerr!

Seabhag off for her maiden voyage

Seabhag off for her maiden voyage

Seabhag's first crew

Seabhag’s first crew

Seabhag's first crew

Seabhag’s first crew

Seabhag's first crew

Seabhag’s first crew

good timing :-)

good timing 🙂

it's fun

it’s fun

first successful outing for Seabhag and crew

first successful outing for Seabhag and crew

back from maiden voyage

back from maiden voyage



Emma, Stuart and Geoff

Emma, Stuart and Geoff

changing oars

changing oars

getting the skiffs ready...

getting the skiffs ready…

... for the waiting crowd

… for the waiting crowd

giving it a try

giving it a try



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